PCI Based Budget

This budget option allows you to indicate a minimum PCI (Pavement Condition Indices) for your entire segment network.  The model run will be based on the minimum PCI.  The system will indicate the budget necessary to maintain the average minimum PCI indicated.  The model will then calculate how much money is needed each year to maintain your street segments based on the PCI.  To create a PCI based budget, follow the directions below:

  1. Mark the PCI Based Budget check-box.  

    Note:  The Annual Budget Field will then be grayed-out.

  2. Enter a budget inflation rate.  This value indicates the percent by which your budget will increase each year.
  3. Enter the Required Minimum PCI. This value reflects the average minimum percent for your street segments.  For example, if you set this number to 82, the model run will spend however much is needed to ensure that all streets have an average 82% PCI value.  
  4. Enter a contingency percent, if applicable. This is an add-on project contingency cost in percentage form for each selected project.
  5. Enter your cost inflation rate.  This reflects the inflation rate for your supplies, pavement costs, etc.  

    Note:  The costs for supplies and repairs are set up in the Miscellaneous Costs module.

  6. Enter the initial budget date.  This will be the date on which the model will begin its run.
  7. Enter the number of budget years for which the model will run.
  8. Enter a model stop point, if applicable.

Once you have entered all pertinent information, click to save the record.  The system will automatically populate the Annual Budget Details grid.