The Lucity Web system allows administrators to create custom Views and Forms to be used online. All Web modules are made up of three main components: Views, Grids, and Forms. These components are described briefly below.
View |
Views control how data is structured or displayed on screen. A View can either show all of the records in a single module or a limited set of records for a module, based on a preset filter. Views can be launched from the Modules tab, the Menu tab, or from a Dashboard plugin. Each View contains one or more grids. Forms may be attached to Views to allow users to open individual records for more detailed information. |
Grids |
Grids display a list of records from the module for which the view has been built. Each record displays a set of general information (customized by system administrators). If a record contains child records, the record can be expanded to display the grid of related child records. Attached to each grid is a toolbar that enables users to perform different operations. Example: A parent Work Order grid may contain child Resources, Tasks, and Tracking grids. |
Forms |
Forms display individual records and can be customized (by system administrators) to let users see record details or to edit a record. Forms can be launched from a grid or a menu, depending on system settings. Forms are always launched in a separate pop-up window. |
The following sections display how to import new Views, Grids, and Forms, how to modify them, and how set them up for use.
Remember: Each component can be fully customized; the screenshots included in this help guide are only examples.
In This Section |