Location Tab

The Location tab allows users to enter information from the tree library (Tree Code Setup module), as well as indicate the location of the tree, relation to other records, the date it was planted, and owner information. In addition, if this tree has been planted to replace a tree that was removed, a field has been provided to store the previous tree's identification number. For the planted tree, users can indicate its planted diameter and total cost. Finally, several fields in this tab have special functions. These are listed below:

Field Name

Special Function

Tree Code

This field allows users to select a Tree Code from the Tree Code Setup module. Click the Tree Code button or press F9 to select from the pick list. After choosing a Tree Code, the corresponding common name, genus, species, tree type, and culitvar information will be carried over from the corresponding record.

Property ID Tag

This Field allows users to associate the tree with an address record in the Address Module found under General > Customers > Address. Click the Property ID Tag button or click in the field and press F9 to select an address record from the pick list.

Segment ID

This field allows users to associate the tree with a street in the Street Segment module found under Transportation > Street > Segment Network. Click the Segment ID button or click in the field and press F9 to select a street segment from the pick list.

Alt Park ID

This field allows users to associate the tree with a park in the Parks Inventory module found under Trees/Parks > Parks > Parks. Click the Alt Park ID button or click in the field and press F9 to select a park from the pick list. After selecting an Alt Park ID, the system will automatically enter the corresponding Park name. The tree in this record will then be included in the corresponding park record.

Alt Parking Lot ID

This field allows users to associate the tree with a parking lot in the Parks > Parking Lot module found under Trees/Parks > Parks > Parking Lots. Click the Alt Parking Lot ID button or click in the field and press F9 to select a parking lot from the pick list. After selecting an Alt Parking Lot ID, the system will automatically enter the corresponding parking lot name. The tree in this record will then be included in the corresponding Parking Lot record.

Sidewalk ID

This field allows users to associate the tree with a parking lot in the Transportation > Sidewalk Inventory found under Transportation > Right-of-Way > Sidewalks > Sidewalk Inventory. Click the Sidewalk ID button or click in the field and press F9 to select a sidewalk from the pick list. The tree in this record will then be included in the corresponding Sidewalk record.

Circuit Number

This field allows users to associate the tree with a circuit in the Circuit Source module found under Electric > Lines > Circuit Source. Click the Circuit Number button or click in the field and press F9 to select a park from the pick list. After selecting a Circuit Number, the system will automatically enter the corresponding circuit name. The tree in this record will then be included in the corresponding Circuit Source record.

GIS Sub Type

This field is automatically filled if sub-types are defined in the GIS system. This field can only be edited in the GIS geodatabase environment. If Lucity is not integrated with GIS, this field will not be available.

Alt Conduit ID

Links the tree to a Storm Conduit. Click the field caption button or press F9 for list of related records.

Storm Structure #

Links the tree to a Storm Structure. Click the field caption button or press F9 for list of related records.

Detention Basin

Links the tree to a Detention Basin. Click the field caption button or press F9 for list of related records.

Information for GIS Users: When a tree is added to an ArcMap project and the tree's common name, the genus species, cultivar, and type are included, they will be populated in this Tree Inventory record as follows:

Note: To update the Tree Domain for TRG_COMMON use the Lucity GIS > Geodatabase Configuration tool in ArcCatalog.