Security Tab

The Security tab enables agencies to authorize which users can control warehouse inventories or pull assets from a warehouse for a work order. The tab displays a list of employees from the Work Flow Setup > Employees module and their permissions for the current warehouse.

Note: This feature works only when the Use Parts Warehouse Security option is enabled via the Work Options > Parts Integration tab.

Available Permissions

Full Access

Gives a user full control over a Warehouse. The user can update a Warehouse record in the Warehouse module and disperse parts to work orders.

WO Only

Allows the user to only access the warehouse through the Work Order modules. The user can disperse parts to a work order and return them to the warehouse, but they cannot access the Warehouse record within the Warehouse module.

Note: If a user doesn't have one of these permissions, he or she cannot use the warehouse for any purpose.

Security Grid

A sample of the Security grid appears below. Sort records in each grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.


  • Replicate Warehouse Employee's Links

Copies security permissions from another Warehouse record.


  • Add Multiple Employees

Enables users to select and add multiple Employee records to the grid at once.


  • Set Employee Security

Sets the Security field for all selected Employee records.

How to add Employee Permissions

How to replicate a Warehouse's Employees and Permissions

How to add multiple Employees

How to set Employee Security