Using the Browse Toolbar

Notice the toolbar at the top of your browse report. This toolbar will assist you in formatting and printing your browse.

Browse Toolbar

The following list gives you a brief definition of each icon on the browse report toolbar:





Saves your formatting changes to the browse report.  Any adjustments to column width will also be saved.


Moves the pointer arrow back to the top of the browse list.


Opens the "Find" dialog window. Type in the text you want to find and the browse will scroll to its location and highlight it.

Find Again

Finds the next occurrence of the text you defined in the "Find" dialog.

Zoom In

Zooms in on the window using increments of 10%.

Zoom Out

Zooms out on the window using increments of 10%.


Restores window view to 100%.

Print Preview

Displays how the data will appear when printed.


Allows you to select a printer, print range and how many copies you want to print.

Page Setup

Allows you to adjust the margins, titles, gridlines, page order, and position.

Print Setup

Allows you to select a printer, type of paper used and print orientation (landscape or portrait).

Headers and Footers

Opens the "Header/Footer" pop-up window, which allows you to create a header or footer for the data.


Allows you to export the data to another file or project.


Exits the Browse mode and returns you to the module.