Page Setup

  1. To modify the page settings, click  to open the Page Setup window.

    Page Setup

  2. The default settings of the margins are in the "Margins" window at the top left. You can modify these settings if desired.
  3. The "Titles and GridLines" window allows you to select where your headers and gridlines will appear. As you modify your report, you can view the changes in the "Preview" window on the right.
  4. The following list gives you a brief definition of each option in the "Titles and GridLines" window:
  5. The page order, located in the lower right corner of the window, may also be adjusted from "first rows, then columns" to "first columns, then rows."
  6. Notice the checkbox by horizontal in the "Center on Page" window. The report is centered horizontally by default; however, you may change the page location by checking the box next to vertical or by checking both boxes.
  7. Click if you are satisfied with your modifications.
  8. Click if you wish to return to the default settings.

    Note: If you wish to save the page setup to the current browse results, check located in the lower right corner. This ensures that the layout of the browse will remain the same the next time you choose to view the browse.