General Tab

The General tab in the Sewer Sampling module enables users to:

The fields in this tab are described in the table below:

Field Name


Outfall Location

Tracking No


Regulatory Type

Drainage Area

Outfall Type

Illicit Type

Illicit Status

Receiving Stream

Land Use

The system automatically completes these fields using data from the Sewer Structure's Sampling tab when the user selects the Structure #.

Discharge Source

Describes the location from which the sample was taken.

Last Rainfall

Last Rainfall Date

Indicate how long ago the last rainfall occurred.

Rainfall Amount

Specifies the amount (in inches) of the last rainfall.

Max Rain Rate

Indicates the maximum amount of rain (in inches per hour) that fell during the last rainfall.

Hrs After Rain

Indicates the number of hours that have passed since the last rainfall.

Dry Weather Flow

Indicates the presence of dry water or ground water flow.

Bypass Status

Describes the status of a bypass channel.

Photos Taken

Photo Numbers

Confirms that photographs were taken during the test. The film roll and picture numbers are detailed in the text field.

Sample Taken

Sample Numbers

Confirms that samples were taken during the test. The sample identification numbers are detailed in the text field.

Sample Type

Samples From

Indicates the types of samples taken and their location (i.e., stream flow, pool).