Sampling Tab

The Sampling tab contains fields used to track sewer sampling data that is related to the structure. All of these fields are carried over to the corresponding Sewer Sampling module.

Outfall Location

Describes the location of the outfall structure.

Tracking No

Identifies the outfall structure.

Outfall Type

Indicates whether the outfall is a single, double, or triple structure.

Illicit Type

Identifies the kind of illicit discharge observed during sampling.

Illicit Status

Indicates the elimination status of the outfall discharge.


Explains the reason for the outfall structure.

Regulatory Type

Describes the type of regulation governing the outfall structure (i.e., municipal, federal, environmental agency).

The tab also contains a Sampling grid that lists all sampling results for the structure.

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.

sampling grid

How To Add a Sampling Record

  1. Right-click in the Sampling grid and select Add Record. The Sewer Sampling module opens and displays a new record.
  2. Enter the Sample Date (required). The Structure # is also required; however, the system automatically completes the field when a record is added using this method.
  3. Fill out any other desired fields. Any of the fields that are filled out on the Sewer Sampling tab are automatically carried over to the sampling record.
  4. Save and close. The sampling record now appears in the Sampling grid.

More information about Sewer Sampling records