Requisition Details Record

Requisition Detail records store information about individual parts requested as part of the requisition. The system completes certain fields automatically when the user selects the Part ID.



Quantity Requisitioned *

The number of parts requested.

General Commodity

A user-defined list of categories of materials available for request.

Part ID *

The inventory ID for the requested part. Click the field caption or press F9 for a list of parts from the Parts Inventory.

Warehouse ID

The warehouse in which the part will be stored. Click the field caption or press F9 for a list of warehouses from the Warehouse module.


The category of part.

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure for the part.

Estimated Unit Cost

The cost of each individual item. The system automatically populates this figure from the related Material or Parts Inventory record.


The cost of shipping the part.

Discount Percent

The discounted percentage for the part.


The straight discount or credit for the part.

Estimated Total Cost

The expected final cost of the part. The system calculates this figure automatically as:

(Quantity Requisitioned x Estimated Unit Cost) + Freight = Cost

Cost x (Discount Percent/100) = Discount

Cost - Discount - Credit = Estimated Total Cost

* Required fields.

Miscellaneous Fields

Work Order #

The identifier for the Work Order associated with the requested part. Click the field caption or press F9 for a list of work orders from the Work Order module.

Note: The system completes this field automatically if the requisition is created from a Work Order Resource.


The Work Order Resource associated with the requisition.

Note: The system completes this field automatically if the requisition is created from a Work Order Resource.

Vendor ID *

The vendor from whom the part should be requisitioned.

Department *

The department in need of the part.

Requested By

The person requesting the part.

Required By Date *

Date by which the part is needed.

Fixed Asset

Indicates whether the asset is fixed or movable.

Notify Buyer

Indicates whether the buyer should be alerted of the request.

Sent By Financials

Indicates that this record was added to Lucity from an integrated financial system.

Processed By Financials

Indicates that this record was exported from Lucity to an integrated financial system.

* Data supplied from the Requisition record.