Fleet Notifications

The Fleet Inventory Module provides two toolkit functions that enable users to quickly send preconfigured e-mails to fleet operators to remind them to turn in miles or bring their vehicles in for maintenance.


Who receives a fleet notification?

What triggers a fleet notification?

Where is a fleet notification set up?

How To Set Up and Send a Fleet Notification

  1. Create an e-mail template in the General > Notification Setup (Notification Setup, http://help.lucity.com/webhelp/v155/desktop/index.htm#22846.htm) module.

    Note: The notification template must have these values:


  2. After creating the notification template, go to Equipment > Fleet > Fleet Inventory and find the vehicle whose operator needs to receive the notification. Or, set up a filter of vehicles to which to send e-mails.
  3. On the General tab, make sure the Operator Email Field is filled out with the operator's e-mail address.


  4. Select the button on the toolbar. The following screen will pop up.


  5. Select one:
    1. Send Email Notification for Current Record (The system will send the e-mail to the operator of the vehicle currently being viewed.)
    2. Send Email Notification for Filterset (The system will send the e-mail to all the operators of the current fleet filterset.)
  6. Select Execute, and the following screen will appear:


  7. Click the Email Notif # button, and select the notification to send.

    Note: Only notification templates that have the Notification Module set to "Fleet" will show in this list.

  8. Click OK, and the notification will be sent.

Note: A record of the notification is stored on the Email tab.