Pipe Analysis Header Data

The header fields within the Pipe Analysis Details module contain general information to identify each analysis record. The header appears at the top of the module window and remains visible as users navigate through the tabs.

Field Name


Analysis No *

The name of the model from the Sewer Rehab Model from which the analysis was generated.

Analysis Type *

The type of analysis selected in the model (Structural, O&M, or Structural and O&M).

US Structure *

DS Structure

Alt Pipe ID

The unique identifier for the pipe, as well as the upstream and downstream structure numbers.

Basin *

The flow basin in which the pipe is located (from the Pipe Inventory module).

Main Work Task

Enables users to select the Work Task to be used for this pipe. The list of tasks comes from the Rehab Work Tasks and Costs setup module. Click the field caption button or press F9 for a list of tasks.

Note: The Analysis No, US Structure, DS Structure, and Basin information are all stored in read-only format.