
The core of the Sewer Rehab modules is the Sewer Rehab Model. Here, users establish parameters for the model run, indicate which filterset to run the model against, and run individual modeling schemes.

Results from the completed runs in easily accessible tables and grids. This information can help an agency project costs, assess its system, and determine which pipes should be rehabilitated or replaced.

Note: The Pipe Rehab Setup modules must be configured before the model can be run.

Module Toolbar


More information about the tools available in this module

Note: To view an explanation of any field, Ctrl + right click in that field.


To access the Sewer Rehab Model, select Sewer > Sewer Rehab > Sewer Rehab Model > Model. The following window appears:

Sewer Model

In This Section

Sewer Model Header Data

Parameters Tab

Pipe Results Tab

Comments Tab
