All of the user configurable parameters that are available for Mobile Desktop synchronizations are stored on the server in the CONFIG\fldsync.ini file. Below is a list of available settings and information found in the file:
Parameters in bold italics below may be modified using the Mobile Desktop Options module. These options are described in the main manual as well. List below is a brief description of each option:
STR:USER - This is where user information is stored. The services need this information to import field data. If a user is not listed or if the user no longer exists, the system will use the first user listed in the user database. It is a good idea to create and dedicate a user for the synchronization.
STR:ROLLOVER - This setting stores the maximum size for the LucitySynDB.log file in megabytes. When the log file exceeds this size, it is cleared and starts over again. This will not affect the htm logs that are created, the .SQL logs that are created, or the .log files that are created in the MOBDB\[Laptop Name] folder on the server.
STR:SYNCHFOLDER - This stores the folder that the MOBDB databases are housed in. This property is set during installation, and should not be modified unless the Lucity directories have been moved to a new server. The MOBDB folder MUST exist at the same level as the CONFIG folder on the server.
STR:CHECKINTERVAL - This setting stores the time interval at which the server will check for laptops attempting to synch. The default setting is 30 seconds. If the interval is greater than 30 seconds, the server may not pick up the synch as fast; therefore, the laptops will have to wait longer for their synch to process. If the interval is set too low, you may run into problems with multiple simultaneous synchronizations. This can create problems when the server tries to open the GBALogin.mdb file to get connection information.
To avoid errors resulting from simultaneous synchronizations, you can modify the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\Jet 4.0 LockRetry and LockDelay properties. This will increase the wait time until a lock retry occurs and allowing the system to try more times to acquire the necessary lock.
Note: If you are using SQL Server and would like to use a smaller Check Interval, you may also need to increase the SQL Server Timeout property or disable it by setting the timeout to 0. This setting is stored in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\ODBC\QueryTimeout.
STR:FAILCHECK - Not currently used
STR:DOWNSTART - The Synch does not attempt to run in the time period defined by the interval DownStart to DownStop. This prevents unnecessary synchs and logged errors due to the server or databases being down for nightly maintenance.
STR:AUTOSEWER, STR:AUTOSTORM, STR:AUTOSTREET, STR:AUTOPARK, STR:AUTOWATER, STR:AUTOEQUIP, STR:AUTOFACILITY - This parameter controls whether or not data is automatically transferred into the office. If set at TRUE, the system will transfer all available data. A log file will be created for any data that could not be transferred. These logs are created in the MOBDB folder under the laptop name and client name.
STR:CLEANUP - Since daily synchronizations can create a lot of databases on the server, this cleanup option allows you to specify how long you want processed databases to remain on the server. You should select an interval that is greater than your backup interval for the server with the MOBDB folder. Databases that incurred errors while processing are not removed from the server.
STR:BADSETUP - This flag indicates that the database could not be accessed due to a potential problem with the setup. The only way to change this to a “FALSE” is to restart the Mobile Desktop Service.
STR:LOGGING - To help you troubleshoot the application better, you can temporarily enable the logging parameter. By enabling this parameter, the following logs will be created:
1 to 5 *GSLog.htm files for every synchronization are created in the Documents and Settings\[services user name]\Application Data\Lucity directory on the server.
1 to 5 Log*.SQL files are created in the Documents and Settings\[services user name]\Local Settings\Temp directory on the server.
*_LucitySynDB.log file for every synchronization on that laptop will be created in the MOBDB\[laptop name] directory on the server.
Regardless of whether or not the logging parameter is on, errors generated from the mobile desktop process are logged to the Documents and Settings\[services user name]\Application Data\Lucity directory in a log file with this naming convention LucitySynDBError*.log. In addition, there will always be a LucitySynDB.log file created that will log general activity in the synchronization service. This LucitySynDB.log is in the same directory as the error logs.
Note: This option cannot be turned on from the Mobile Desktop Options dialog within the program. This must be modified directly in the ini file.
STR:DISABLEBADSETUP - If you are frequently having to reset your services even though your databases are synching and the STR:BADSETUP flag is TRUE, you can manually change this value to TRUE. This will prevent the system from stopping when it notices a potentially bad setup. Make sure the setup is correct before enabling this parameter or logging to the event viewer, so that you do not get excessive errors or bad processes running on the server. This parameter is an override for STR:BADSETUP. This cannot be changed through the Mobile Desktop options, it must be changed directly in the INI file.