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Adding a Document

  1. Click on the module toolbar to open the Document Control window.

    Document Control

  2. Click to open the Add Document window.

    Add Document

  3. For links to web pages, click the "Web Page" checkbox. The File Path field will be enabled allowing you to type the web address. The File Type will then default to "Internet Shortcut".
  4. For all document types, click to search for the document to attach. Select the document and then click to add that document to the current record. The Add Document window will reappear with the file name at the top.
  5. Write a brief description of the document or web link before saving it to the record  (see figure below).

    Note: Each description must be unique or the user will be prompted to type a new one.

    Document Description

  6. Click . The Document Control  window will reappear with the new document listed in the window.

    New Document

See Also


Editing a Document

Viewing a Document

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