To create new Project Asset Distribution records, right-click in the grid and select Add Record. The following window appears:
Select an inventory asset Type from the pick list.
Enter an Asset Cost %. This value represents this asset type's portion of the entire project cost.
The Total Asset Cost is calculated by the system, using the data from the General tab.
Select the UOM (unit of measure) from the list.
Choose Count, and the system will count the number of like assets associated with this Type. The system automatically carries over data in the Cost and Value fields to the Project Assets grid.
Choose Sum, and the system will add the UOM field you indicate. The data in the Cost and Value fields is not carried over to the Project Assets grid.
If Sum is selected as the unit of measure, enter the field to be totaled in the UOM field. If Count is selected, leave UOM vacant.
For example, when creating a Project Asset record for an asset type measured in linear units (sewer or storm pipes, street segments, etc.), users may want to add the total asset length by entering the Length field here (i.e NT_LENGTH, SN_LENGTH, etc.).
Enter the number of units.
The system calculates the Unit Cost using the data in the Total Asset Cost and Units fields.
The Start Date establishes the beginning of the asset's usable life. It represents the date the asset was put into service.
Enter the Asset Life in years. This is the maximum life for this asset. This establishes the asset type's deterioration rate.
Enter the Salvage Value for the asset at the end of its life.
Indicate whether the salvage value will replace the asset's previous worth at the end of the deterioration curve.
Save and close the record.
Note: Use the functions in the grid to View, Edit, or Deletethe records.