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Pavement Weighting Factors

Question: Our municipality has recently upgraded from version 6.71. We use Pavement Analysis and had previously set up the pavement distress ratings in 6.71. What weighting factors do you recommend we use to maintain our earlier pavement distress settings?

Answer: If you were using an earlier version and previously had all of your pavement distresses set up, you will need to set the weighting factors for each distress as follows:

  • If your old distress had a possible 10 index points, set the weighting factor to 1.
  • If your old distress had a possible 5 index points, set the weighting factor to .5.

These are multipliers and will maintain the points system you had set up previously.

Question: How do I know what values were used previously?

Answer: You'll find these values in the version 6.71 Pavement Analysis, Street - PCI Setup module. There are two distress pages for each pavement surface type record. The value in question appears in the Index columns on both pages. Samples of these pages appear below:

Street PCI


See Also

FAQs about Functionality

General Questions about Functionality

Patches, Service Packs, and Hot Fixes

Data Dictionaries

System Requirements

Error Messages

Required Fields

PMs Are Not Generating

SMTP Server and Notifications

Work Order Crystal Reports not Summing Correctly

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