Navigation Tools

There are several features available to help you navigate through the Mobile . Described below are the tabs and buttons located at the top bottom of your handheld screen.




Opens the first record in your filtered set.


Opens the last record in your filtered set.


Opens the previous record in the filtered set.


Opens the next record in the filtered set.


Closes Mobile Work Manager.


Opens the main Work Order screen.


Opens the work order's Task and Resources screen.


Opens the work order's Location and Asset screen.


Opens the work order's Checklist and Events screen.


Opens the work order's comments screen.


Opens the list of records in your current tab. For example, if you are currently on the Main Work Order tab, this list will display all work orders in your current record set. Alternatively, if you are on the Tasks tab, this list will display all tasks associated with the work order. This list helps you to quickly locate a specific record.

Filter list


Record Menu

Contains an extended menu. These menu options allow you to change from add mode to edit mode, save a record, or delete a record.

Note: Work orders are automatically saved when you navigate to a new record or close the Mobile Work Manager.

Note: The delete option does not permanently delete the work order. It will remain on your desktop at the office.

Note: Every time you view a work order on your handheld, the system considers it to be "edited" whether or not you have changed data. Then, if another user edits that work order from the office or views it from his or her handheld, you will be prompted to choose which data set to keep whenever you synch.

See Also

Handheld Functions

Getting Started

Work Orders Screen

Tasks/Resources Screen

Checklist/Events Screen

Location/Assets Screen

Comments Screen

WO Numbering Screen