The Part History grid documents:
Most information in this grid is automatically populated by the system and cannot be deleted. The exception is the Cost Per Unit, which is the only field that can be edited.
A sample of the Part History grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings. An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.
Grid Columns
Inventoried Date |
Tracks the date the Part was added to or removed from Inventory (either from the Inventory tab, Transactions tab, or On Order tab). |
Cost Per Unit |
Specifies the Per Item Cost at the time the Part was added to Inventory. Note: This is the only field the user may edit. To edit, right-click in the record within the grid and select Adjust Cost Per Unit. Note: If the Part is linked to the Work program (via the Material or Fluid Code), the Unit Cost entered here in the Parts Inventory overrides the Default Unit Cost in the resource's Work Flow Setup record. If the part is understocked, the system uses the last cost recorded until more inventory is received. |
Original Qty. |
Records the original quantity for each particular inventory transaction or order at the point the part was added to inventory. |
Current Qty. |
Tracks the part quantity remaining from each order after individual parts transactions or dispersals occur. As parts are used, the numbers in this column will decrease. The transaction the parts are removed from depends on the Cost Method selected on the Order Info Tab. If using the FIFO cost method on the Order Info tab, part quantities will be adjusted in the order in which the parts were received. If using the LIFO cost method, part quantities will be adjusted in the reverse order in which the parts were received. Thus, in the sample grid above, the parts Cost Method is set to LIFO. Two transactions added Parts to the Inventory. When parts were later removed, the items were subtracted from the last inventory transaction that occurred, rather than the first. We know this is true because, in the earlier transaction, the Original Quantity was 10, and its Current Quantity is 10. In the more recent transaction, the Original Quantity was 30, but its Current Quantity is 20. |
PO Number |
Tracks the Reference Number of the purchase order each time the part was added to or removed from inventory. |
Avg. Cost |
Calculates the average part cost using the following process:
How to adjust the
Cost Per Unit
More information about the effect of cost adjustment and changes in quantity