The Work Asset Setup module allows agencies to customize the information that is copied from an Inventory record to a Work Asset record when a Work Order is created. Administrators can set up a different configuration for each type of asset.
Note: To view an explanation of any field, Ctrl + right click in that field.
To access the Work Asset Setup module, select Work > Administration > Work Asset Setup. The following window appears:
Header Data
The header data appears at the top of the module.
Asset Type**
Indicates which Asset Inventory is associated with this Configuration record.
* Required.
* Must be unique. Only one Configuration can be established for each Asset Type.
Work Asset Matchup Fields
The Work Asset Matchup grid enables users to pair fields from a Work Order Asset record with fields within an Asset Inventory module. When an asset is added to the work order, the information in the linked fields is automatically copied to the Work Asset record.
A sample of the Work Asset Matchup grid appears below. Sort records in each grid by clicking on the headings. An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.
Right-click in the grid to add a record.
Right-click on an existing record for options to View Record or Edit Record.
Select an Asset Type. Click the field caption or press F9 to select from a list. The Work Asset Matchup Fields grid automatically displays the fields from the Work Order Asset record that can be configured.
Right-click on the field and select Edit Record. One of the following pop-ups appears:
Note: Some of the fields on the pop-up will differ depending on the type of Asset being configured.
The WO Asset Field1 is the field on the Work Order Asset record that will be updated. Use the Inv Field1 field to select the Inventory module field that will be used to update the WO Asset Field 1. Click the field caption or press F9 for a list of Inventory fields that are compatible with the selected Asset field.
The Desc 1 and Desc 2 fields are special fields on an Asset record that can display multiple pieces of information. They appear on the Work Order Asset grid and on the Work Order Asset record.
To configure these fields:
Open the Work Asset Setup module and locate the description fields (AS_TEXT1 and AS_TEXT2) in the list.
Right-click on the field and select Edit Record. A pop-up similar to the following appears:
To select a single field to send to the Desc field, click on a field in the list and click Select.
To set up multiple fields, click Close.
The following pop-up appears:
Use the Inv Field1 field to enter the names of Asset Inventory fields that should appear in the Desc field.
You must use follow these rules:
Enter the field names in the order in which they should appear left to right.
Separate the fields with commas.
Do not use any spaces.
Integer fields (numbers without decimals) - Place square brackets [ ] around the field name.
Double fields (numbers with decimals) - Place parenthesis ( ) around the field name.
Date fields - Place backslashes \ \ around the field name.