When an agency configures the Inspection module, it links certain inspection fields to Threshold Limit records. Threshold Limit records specify an expected range of values for a parameter and a warning notification. The system sends the warning notification when the value in the field equals or falls outside the values set on the Threshold record.
Note: The notification template must have these values:
After creating the Notification template, go to Plant/Equip > Equipment > Equipment Inspection or Plant/Equip > Threshold Library and find the Threshold record you'd like to associate with the Notification.
Right-click on the record and select Edit Record to edit the Threshold record.
In the Notification Label field, select the notification you'd like to send. Click the field caption or press F9 for a list of available Notification templates.
Select the appropriate template.
Save and close the threshold record.
If the Threshold record is assigned to an Inspection and the associated field contains a value that falls outside the range of the Low and High fields, the system automatically sends the associated notification and stores a record of the communication on the Email tab.
Example: For the picture above, if the inspection's User 9 field has a value of 2 or 8, a notification is automatically triggered.