The Create Work Ordertool, which appears within most Lucity modules, enables users to create a work order from an Asset, Inspection, Request or Work Order record, or from a template.
How To Create a Work Order
Decide whether the work order relates to a single record in a module or to a group of records.
If it is for a group of records, create a filter for those records.
If it is for a single record, browse to the desired record.
Click the Create Work Order button . The following pop-up window appears:
In the Based On section, select whether the work order is for the Current Record, or the Entire Filtered Recordset (all records in the current filter).
To base the work order on a particular template, select it from the grid. If no template is selected a blank work order will be created.
Note: Only templates of the category matching the asset type of the current module will appear in the grid.
Note: Templates are created in the PM/Template module.
Click OK.
If a Work Order already exists for the related asset, the following pop-up appears to notify the user: