Weighting Factors

This module also allows you to enter Distress, Structural, and Roughness Weighting Factors. These are user-defined values to indicate the effects that the distress, strength, and roughness have on pavement. Any values you enter here will be defaulted in the Field Inspection module. If desired, the user can then modify these factors on a subsegment basis.

These default percentages will determine the emphasis various factors have on the subsegment PCI. For example, if you set the Distress WF to 70, Structural WF to 15, and Roughness WF to 15, then the Distress PCI will make up 70% of the final PCI, while the Structural and Roughness PCIs will each contribute 15%. If only visual distresses are being collected, set the Distress factor to 100 and the other two factors to 0.

For further information on PCI calculations, please reference the Field Inspections help guide. 

Note: The three weighting factors must add up to 100.

Below the Weighting Factor fields is a field for Max PCI for Backlog. Enter a PCI into this field. If a supersegment has a PCI at or below this PCI, and it isn't selected during a model run, it will be marked as backlog work.

See Also


Pavement Type and Classification

Priority WF

Deterioration Rates

Rehab Techniques Tab