Other Equipment Tab

This tab has a grid that lists all of the equipment associated with the pump station, the installed pump(s), and the building in which the pump station resides.  Items of equipment that are linked to the associated pump or building are automatically entered into this grid. Users can also link pieces of equipment directly in this grid.  

Note: The Other Equipment tab is only accessible if the agency owns the Equipment module and Integration with Equipment sewer option turned on. See the Sewer Options help guide for additional information. To add records to this tab and have equipment carried over from the building or pump record the Alt Bldg No field must be filled out on the Attributes tab

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) will appear signifying ascending or descending order.


How To Link a piece of equipment

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Equipment Link.  The following window will appear:

  2. Select an Equipment ID from the pick list clicking the caption button or by clicking in the field and pressing F9.  This is a required field.
  3. Click to save the record.
  4. Click to close the window.

See Also

Pump Stations Inventory

Sewer Pump Station Header Data

Attributes Tab

Pumps Tab

Costs Tab

Plates Tab

Construction Tab

Inspections Tab

Readings Tab


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