The Pumps tab has two grids: Pump Locations grid and Location History grid. These grids track which pumps are currently installed in the pump station, and changes in pump installation.
Pump Locations Grid
This grid allows users to document the locations in the pump station where a pump can be housed. Each slot represents one pump location. Once a slot is documented, users can use that slot record to install a pump, uninstall a pump, replace one pump with another, or create a pump inspection record. They can also jump directly to the Pump record in the Pump Inventory module.
A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings. An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) will appear signifying ascending or descending order.
Double-click on an existing record to open it
Right-click in the grid to add a record
Right-click on an existing record to get a menu with options to: View Record, Edit Record, Add Record, Delete Record, Install Pump, Uninstall Pump, Replace Pump, View Pump Inventory Record, Create Pump Inspection Record, or Create Pump Reading Record.
Right click on the slot where the pump is installed and select Install Pump. The following window will appear:
Enter the Date. This is required.
Enter the Pump Number of the pump to install. This is required. Click the field caption or click in the field and press F9 or for a list of available pumps.
Note: Only pumps in the Sewer Pump Inventory module that are not already associated with a pump station will be available.
Enter the meter reading at the time of the install.
Note: The Action field is automatically populated.
Enter any additional comments in the grid.
Save and close the window
Note: When a Pump is installed the Slot Number and Location will be carried over to the corresponding fields in the Pump Inventory record.
Right click on a record in the Pump Location Grid and select Uninstall Pump. A window similar to the following will appear:
Enter the Date the pump was uninstalled. This is required.
Enter the Meter Reading at the time the pump was uninstalled.
Note: The Action field is automatically populated.
Enter any additional comments in the grid.
Save and Close the window.
Note: After a pump is removed from a pump station, the pump’s inventory record is considered a “history record” and can still be viewed by clicking the Relationship button on the module toolbar.
Right click on a record in the Pump Locations grid record and select Replace Pump. This will open the uninstall window.
Enter the Date the current pump was uninstalled.
Enter the Meter Reading at the time the pump was uninstalled.
Note: The Action field is automatically populated.
Save and Close the window.
Once the uninstall window is closed, the install window will automatically open.
Enter the Pump Number of the pump to install. This is required. Click the field caption or click in the field and press F9 or for a list of available pumps.
Enter the Date the new pump was installed.
Enter the Meter Reading at the time of the install.
Note: The Action field is automatically populated.
Save and Close the window.
Note: After a pump is removed from a pump station, the pump’s inventory record is considered a “history record” and can be viewed by clicking the Relationship button on the module toolbar.
Right click on a record in the Pump Locations grid and select Create Pump Inspection Record. The Pump Inspection module will appear.
Fill out the Last Inspection date field. This is required. The Pump Rec # is required too, but is filled out automatically when the inspection is created this way.
Fill out other desired fields
Save and close the record.
Note: For additional information on the Sewer Pump Inspection module, go here.
Note: For additional information on the Storm Pump Inspection module, go here.
Right-click on a record in the Pump Locations grid and select Create Pump Reading Record. The Pump Readings module will open to a new record.
Fill out the Reading Date and time fields. They are required. The Pump Number is required too, but is filled out automatically when the inspection is created this way.
Fill out other desired fields
Save and close the record.
Note: For additional information on the SewerPump Readings module go here.
Note: For additional information on the StormPump Readings module go here.
Location History Grid
This grid displays the history of whatever record is selected in the Pump Locations grid. It also automatically tracks when a pump was installed or uninstalled from a slot. However, users can manually add records as well.
A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings. An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) will appear signifying ascending or descending order.
Right-click in the grid to add a record
Right-click on an existing record to get a menu with options to: View Record, Edit Record, Add Record, or View Pump Inventory Record.
Right click in the Location History grid and select Add Record. The following window will appear:
Enter the Date. This is required. The Slot Number and Pump Number fields are required too, but are automatically populated from the Pump Locations grid record.
Fill out other desired fields.
Add any additional comments in the Note field.
Save and Close the window
Note: The Last Modified By and Last Modified Date fields are automatically populated.