General Tab

The General tab fields allow users to track and record inspection data in compliance with MACP (Manhole Assessment Certification Program) standards. In addition to general information such as the name of the individual conducting the survey, the owner of the collection system surveyed, and the entity commissioning the survey, several fields in this tab have unique functions. These fields are described in the table below.

Field Name


Certificate Number

NASSCO PACP # of Surveyor

Sheet Number

Number used to identify individual surveys done within a group.

Rim to Invert

Distance (ft and tenths of ft) or (meters to 2 decimal places max) from rim to invert of upstream manhole.

Grade to Invert

Distance (ft and tenths of ft) or (meters to 2 decimal places max) from average grade to invert of outgoing invert.

Rim to Grade

Distance (ft and tenths of ft) or (meters to 2 decimal places max) from rim to average grade of outgoing invert.

Media Label

Unique Identifier for tape/media.


Type of preparatory cleaning conducted prior to survey.


Weather conditions when survey was conducted.


General description of ground cover of surveyed segment.

Potential for Runoff

Type of restriction of flow used.


Y Coordinate - Latitude at the center point of manhole cover. If value exists, Easting and Coordinate System should also be entered.


X Coordinate - Longitude at the center point of manhole cover. If value exists, Northing and Coordinate System should also be entered.


Z Coordinate - Height at the center point of the manhole cover.

Coordinate System

Datum or reference system used for the GPS coordinates. If value exists, Northing and Easting should also be entered.

GPS Accuracy

Describes degree of accuracy obtained from coordinates.

Note: All fields in this tab are optional.

See Also

MACP Manhole Inspections

MACP Header Data

Cover/Frame Tab

Chimney Down Tab

Condition Ratings Tab

Connections Tab

Recommendations Tab

User Defined Tab

Custom Tab