PM Header Data

The header fields contain general information used to identify, and describe each pm/template. The header appears the top of the module window and remains visible as users navigate through the module's tabs. The header also contains some data that is passed on to work orders that are created from the pm/template.

Field Name


PM/Template **

The user-defined unique ID and name for the pm/template.

Category **

A work category. Once a category has been selected, only the applicable main tasks and problems will be available for selection. Click the field caption or press F9 for a list of Work Flow Setup > Categories.

Note: This field should not be manually set to Required.

Main Task *

A main work task. Click the field caption or press F9 for a list of Work Flow Setup > Work Tasks.

Problem *

A work problem. Click the field caption or press F9 for a list of Work Flow Setup > Problems.

Scheduled PM

Turns the template into a Scheduled PM. When this box is marked, the record becomes a PM. This must be marked for before the Grouped PM, Linked PM, or Grouped Asset boxes can be marked. Once this is marked and saved it cannot be undone.

  • A template is a set of pre-configured work order information that can be used when creating a new work order. This simplifies filling out a work order.
  • A template is a set of pre-configured work order information that is scheduled to automatically create a new work order on a regular interval.

Note: This enables the Scheduling WO tab.

Note: PMs do not appear in a list of possible templates when using the Create Work Order Tool.

Grouped PM

Turns the Scheduled PM into a Grouped PM. This allows users to create one pm with a different schedule for each asset on the PM. Each work order generated by this PM is for an individual asset. The Scheduled PM field must be marked before this one can be.

Note: This disables the Assets tab and Scheduling WO tab and enables the Grouped PM tab.

Tightly Linked PM

Turns the pm into a Tightly Linked PM. Tightly Linked PM's do not have a schedule. Instead they are linked to a Scheduled PM and told to replace the regularly scheduled pm at an interval. For example the schedule PM might generate a work order every month, but every 3rd month it is replaced with the tightly linked PM.

Note: This enables the Affected or Tightly Linked PM's grid on the Scheduling WOs tab and the Grouped PMs tab.

Grouped Assets

This turns a Grouped PM into a Grouped Assets PM. Grouped Assets PM allows users to create one pm with multiple groups of PMs and a different schedule for each group. The Scheduled PM and Grouped PM fields must be marked before this one can be.

Note: This enables the Group Assets right-click functionality in the Grouped Assets grid on the Grouped PMs tab.


This marks Templates as inactive. If a template is marked as inactive it does not appear in a list of possible templates when using the Create Work Order Tool.

Note: To disable a PM (i.e. stop work orders from being generated), you will need to clear out the interval and date fields while in Edit Mode.

See Also

PM Work Template

WO (Work Order) Tab

Location Tab

Assets tab

Checklist Tab

Tasks and Resources Tab

Scheduling WOs (Work Orders) Tab

Grouped PMs

Related WOs

Billing Tab

WO Custom Tab

Custom Tab

Comments Tab


How to Create a PM

How to Edit a PM Schedule

How to Create a WO Template

PM Work Template Tutorial Movies