Disable HTML Reports

Clients with IE10 or IE11 may be unable to run the HMTL version of a report from a module and will need to use the PDF version.  If this is happening for a client, they can remove the option for HTML reports by modifying the appsettings.config for the internal web app.

How To Modify the AppSettings.Config

  1. Go into the installation of Lucity Web. This is on the web server, most likely at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\LucityWeb.
  2. Edit the AppSettings.config file.
  3. Add the following line between <appsettings> and </appsettings>

    <add key="F00002.HTMLRPT" value="OFF"/>

  4. Save the file.
  5. When the users logout and log back in the View and HTML button will disappear when they run reports.

See Also


Linking to Lucity Web

Linking to Lucity Webmap

Override Crystal Page Limits

Customizing the Dashboard Background Image