Linking to Lucity Webmap

There are times it would be useful to have a create a URL that will take a user directly into the Lucity Webmap to look at an asset, without going through the Lucity Web interface. One example of this would be to embed the URL into a crystal report.

The following URL is a template to jump directly into the webmap to view a feature.


There are three parts of the template that need to be replaced.


This is the name of the server that is hosting Lucity web


This is the identifying number for the module that the asset is coming from. To zoom to a specific sewer pipe ID, the module ID would be the module ID for the Sewer Pipes. To zoom to a work order, it would be the module ID for the Work Order module. All of the module IDs are stored in the GBAUser.dbo.Modules table. Within that table the KeyID is the module ID. This module ID is used in the WKWOASSET table to specify which module the asset comes from.


This is a json list of IDs to select in the map. This ID is the modules database record number. For the GBASewer.dbo.SWNET table this would be NT_ID.

  • To specify more than one feature use the following syntax: [{id:autoNumber},{id:autoNumber},{id:autoNumber}]


This URL will open the webmap and select a sewer pipe with the ID 33293.


This URL will open the webmap, and select nothing.


See Also


Linking to Lucity Web

Override Crystal Page Limits

Customizing the Dashboard Background Image

Disable HTML Reports