Pay Period Setup

After timesheets have been assigned to the groups, a user that has the Payroll - Admin permission needs to login to Lucity Web and setup a pay period.

Note: This section will provide a brief overview of how to do this. For more detailed information about this review the Timesheet Overview and Pay Period Management sections of the Lucity Web helpguide.

How To Setup a Pay Period

  1. Login in to Lucity Web
  2. Click the Timesheet button Web_dashboard timesheet icon
  3. A dropdown list will appear
  4. Select Timesheet Overview.
  5. On the Timesheet overview screen select the Pay Period Management tool payperiod_32.
  6. The following popup will appear:

    pay period management

  7. Click the Android Screenshot button to add a new pay period
  8. The following popup will appear:

    pay period

  9. Enter a Period Name
  10. Enter a Start and End Date.
  11. Click OK.
  12. The pay period will appear in the list.

See Also

Timesheet Setup

Security Setup

Employee Setup

Assigning Timesheets