Lucity Server Object Extension for ArcGIS Server

Lucity has two server object extensions which extend the functionality of ArcGIS Server. These server object extensions are installed as a part of the Lucity Server Object Extensions for ArcGIS Server installation. The two SOEs installed are:

  1. Lucity Layer Metadata. - This SOE is no longer used.
  2. Lucity to Geodatabase Update. This SOE is used to push edits from the Lucity Web application to the geodatabase when users edit relevant attributes in the web.

Map services must be configured to have this capability manually, they are not automatically configured to use one of these SOEs. To configure a service to have the SOE capability you can either:

  1. Edit the Service Properties in ArcCatalog (service must be stopped). Go to the Capabilities tab and select the appropriate SOE.
  2. Edit the properties of the service in ArcGIS Server Manager

See Also


GIS Connection Strings

GIS Map Services

GIS Map Setup