
The General settings provide controls regarding data storage, default file locations and basic EAM services.



Lock and key icon Permissions

Allow All Users Access to All Views

Removes the requirement that users be in a group assigned to a view in order to access the view. This gives all users access to all views in any module they have security permission to.

App Admin

Comma delimited list of user names that should not be tracked in AuditLogons Table

Enter EAM usernames here to bypass tracking the successful logon of those users in the AuditLogons table.

  • Intended for applications developed by clients, particularly REST applications, that may log in frequently (several times per second).

IT Admin

Date format for Notifications

Indicates which date format should be used when creating web notifications.

  • Default: Short


  • Short = 01/01/2015
  • Long = Monday, January 1st, 2015

App Admin

Days to keep data in login auditing table (0 to maintain all history)

Indicates the number of days of login history for the Desktop or Web application that the system should retain in the AUDITLOGONS table in the User database.

IT Admin

Days to keep data in module tracking table

Indicates the number of days to keep events in the module tracking table (LMODTRACK) that displays in the Tracking Grid for applicable modules and the Admin Portal > Web App Management's Module Tracking Log.

  • Default: 10

Note:  If you do not ever want data deleted from the module tracking log, set this value to 0.

App Admin

Days to keep data in the event track table (0 to maintain all history)

Controls how many days records are stored in the Event Track table. The Event Track table is used in third-party integrations to determine when records have been edited in specific Work modules.

App Admin

Default distance for a proximity search based on user's location in map units (ft/m)

The default distance in map units that should be searched when finding module records near a user's location.

  • By default this is 5280.
  • Clients who are using mercator or meter based coordinate systems should change this to a value in meters.
  • Clients using state plane operational spatial references should specify a value in feet.

IT Admin

Does not prepend spaces for selected characters in building numbers

BuildingNumber Property will now handle adding spaces with certain characters based on this setting.

Value = -/

App Admin

ELA email to send expiration warning emails

Specifies the email address that should receive warning emails when an ELA license is about to expire.

App Admin

ELA number of days before expiration when warnings begin

Indicates the number of days before an ELA license expires that the system should start sending out warning emails.

App Admin

Flags to Alter Application Behavior for Rare Cases. Lucity Support will let you know if any may apply for your installation

Indicate custom flags that direct Lucity code to apply a special behavior. Do not change the value in this setting except under direction from Lucity support or implementation.

IT Admin

Fleet Reservations Scheduler Business Hours

Identifies the range of hours that displays when the Fleet Reservation Scheduler is opened. Enter start and end time using 24-hour format, separated by a comma.

  • Administrators should enter whole numbers for this setting because the Scheduler displays time in hourly increments using the start time as the base value.
  • Example: 7:00, 17:00
  • Default: 8:00;17:00

App Admin

How Many Days of Records Should be Kept in Audit Log

Controls how many days of records are left in the audit log. The audit log contains events such as record deletes, feature splits and merges, and other limited functions.

  • Default: 365

App Admin

How Many Days of Records Should be Kept in the Activity Log Table

Controls how many days of records are left in the LACTIVITYLOG table. The log contains a record of activities that occurred in any Lucity application.

  • Default: 365

IT Admin

How Many Days of Records should be Kept in the EmailQueue Table

Controls how many days of records are left in the EmailQueue table. The EmailQueue table contains a record of all emails created by the application.

  • Default: 30

IT Admin

How Many Days of Records Should be Kept in the Error Log Table

Controls how many days of records are left in the LERRORLOG table. The error log contains a copy of all the records written to any rolling.log that had a severity level of ERROR.

  • Default: 90

IT Admin

How Many Days of Records Should be Kept in the Task History Table

Controls how many days of records are left in the LTasks table. The Tasks History contains a record of all tasks executed by the application

  • Default: 30

IT Admin

Inactive User Licenses Expiration in Minutes (recommended value=60)

The Web application limits the number of active users to the number of product licenses. This setting releases a user's licenses if the product has been idle for the time indicated. 60 minutes is the recommended time frame.

IT Admin

Location of the Lucity Help files for this system

Identifies the URL where the Lucity help files are stored.

This option defaults to the Lucity help site but can be modified by agencies that cannot give users access to the Internet. These agencies can request a copy of the Lucity Web help files and host them over their local network. An administrator must then enter the location of the root folder storing the help files so that all of the help links continue to work.

IT Admin

Maximum number of records which may be updated using global edit using the Business Rules option

The most records during a global update query that can be updated at 1 time using the Business Rules option. If a child record is being updated the parent record is counted against this maximum.

App Admin

Maximum number of records which may be updated using global edit using the Direct SQL option

The most records during a global update query that can be updated at 1 time using the Direct SQL option. If a child record is being updated the parent record is counted against this maximum.

App Admin

Number of Days of User License History to keep

Control how many days records are stored int he user License History Table. The table may be used to assess recent historical usage of licenses by users.

IT Admin

Send an email to the system health email if a global update exceeds this row count

If a user executes a global update and the update affects more than the number of rows specified, an email will be sent to the system health email address(es).

App Admin

Send Data Statistics to Lucity

Allows the Lucity system to automatically send monthly data statistics to Lucity. This provides us with information about how the software is being used. The statistics are sent on the first of each month.

IT Admin

Send weekly emails of orphaned documents and report files

Sends an email once a week to the users listed in the List of email addresses for system health notifications setting on the Email tab.

IT Admin

Set the User Tab Group from the Default Rules Group

Allows a system administrator to associate a user to a set of shared tabs based on the Defaults Rules Group assigned to the user automatically when they add that user to security. This saves the step of manually assigning shared tab groups when users are added to the system.

App Admin

Should detailed audit logging write to the audit log table

Determines whether user-initiated actions such as global updates or record deletions are included in the Audit Log table.

Note:  The Audit Log is not automatically truncated or cleaned up. While Audit Logging is not excessive when enabled, it can produce a large table that requires periodic management.

App Admin

Silently fail div by 0 errors in user calcs

Allows division by zero errors on user calculations to be ignored and allows saves even when present. If a division by zero error is encountered, the system will set the field's value to 0.

App Admin

Support Link schemes

Allowable link schemes. Currently only used for dashboard plug-in links.

App Admin

System of Measure for calculations (Metric or U.S.)

Specifies the measurement system to be used for several street pavement calculations like Area. The U.S. system will convert feet to Square Yards. The Metric system will convert meters to Square Meters.

App Admin

Use Canadian style date format for display in the web (yyyy-mm-dd)

Controls whether dates are displayed in preferred Canadian format (yyyy-mm-dd) in grids and forms in the web.

App Admin

Validate Addresses

Enables validation of Building Numbers and Street Names against Customer Addresses and/or Street Segments. When enabled, any address field information that cannot be validated will result in an error when attempting to create or edit a record.

This setting is required in order to enable other "Validate Address" settings. Users should enable this setting and then select one or more additional "Validate Address" address settings to dictate the portions of the Customer Address and/or Street Segment by which the system will validate addresses.

IT Admin

Validate Using Customer Addresses

Enables validation of Building Numbers and Street Names against the Customer Address table.

If "Validate Using Street Segments" is also TRUE, user input will be validated against Customer Addresses first.

  • Note: The "Validate Addresses" setting is required in order to enable this setting.
  • Note: Address validation can be turned off for individual modules using the form's Field Property Editor.

IT Admin

Validate (Addresses) Using Street Segments

Enables validation of Building Numbers and Street Names against the Street Segment table.

If "Validate Using Customer Addresses" is also TRUE, user input will be validated against Street Segments only if validation against Customer Addresses fails. -per Aaron this is correct, can fail Customer Addr but pass by Street Seg.

  • Note: The "Validate Addresses" setting is required in order to enable this setting.

IT Admin

Validate City Text Fields Against Customer Addresses

Enables validation of City text field values against the Customer Address table. Does not validate City code and type fields.

  • Note: The "Validate Addresses" setting is required in order to enable this setting.

IT Admin

Validate State Against Customer Addresses

Enables validation of State values against the Customer Address table.

  • Note: The "Validate Addresses" setting is required in order to enable this setting.

IT Admin

Validate Zip Code Against Customer Addresses

Enables validation of Zip Code values against the Customer Address table.

  • Note: The "Validate Addresses" setting is required in order to enable this setting.

IT Admin

More information about Customer Address Validation