Special Function: Work Asset Meter Readings

When performing work on a fleet vehicle or equipment item, it is useful—and in many cases, required—that the worker enter a meter reading in Lucity. Frequent meter readings keep asset data up to date and enable the system to regulate scheduled PMs that are triggered by readings.


No setup is required. Lucity checks meter-reading data by default. Users are required to enter the current meter reading if the Work Order was generated from a PM that is triggered by meter readings.

An agency can enable the "Require Valid Mileage/Hourmeter on WO Asset"Work Option if it wants the system to also validate meter readings (i.e., to ensure that the new reading is greater than the asset's most recent reading).

How It Works

  • When a Fleet or Equipment asset appears on a Work Order, the system enables the Meter-Related Fields on the Work Order Asset record.
  • The user selects the Completion Date on the Work Order Asset record.
  • Then, the user enters the current Odometer, Hourmeter, or Other Meter reading on the Work Order Asset record.
  • The system compares the Completion Date to the related Asset Inventory record's Current Date.

    • If the Completion Date < Current Date, the system does not copy over the meter data, because the Work Order information is older than the most recent reading on the Fleet record. Therefore, the process ends.
  • The system compares the Odometer, Hourmeter, or Other Meter reading to the Asset Inventory record's Current Odometer, Current Hourmeter, or Current Other Meter reading.

    • If Completion Date > Current DateAND the Odometer < Current Odometer (OR Hourmeter < Current Hourmeter or Other Meter < Current Other Meter) an error message appears in the form's tool. The message warns that if the user saves the Work Order Asset record, the system will roll back and overwrite the meter readings on the Fleet/Equipment Inventory record. (Only when the "Require Valid Mileage/Hourmeter on WO Asset"Work Option is enabled will the system actually PREVENT the user from saving an Asset record that would cause a meter rollback.)
    • If Completion Date > Current DateAND the Odometer > Current Odometer (OR Hourmeter > Current Hourmeter or Other Meter > Current Other Meter), the system saves the Work Order Asset record and updates and the Fleet or Equipment record with the new meter readings and dates.