
Allow Duplicate Assets per Work Order

Causes the system to allow the same asset to be added to the same work order multiple times.

Copy Address from Asset
(A, P or N)

Enables users to insert addresses and XY coordinates for assets in work orders. These locations are linked to the asset record.

  • Always - The system will automatically try to insert an asset's address into the location grid.
  • Prompt - When an asset is added to the WO Asset grid, the system asks the user whether or not to add an Address to the Location grid.

    However, if Prompt is selected and the work order is generated from a PM, Request, or Create Work Order tool, the system does not automatically add the address to the Location grid.

  • Never - The user must manually enter an address in the Location grid.

Maximum # of Segments to Search

Limits the number of segments that the system searches and makes available to view when the Work Order > Assets > Sewer Stretch and Storm Stretch toolkits is used to add pipes to the work order. Limiting the scope of the search enables users to view results more quickly.  

  • The default maximum number is 30.
  • This function is applicable only to Sewer Pipe and Storm Conduit assets.

Require Valid Mileage/Hourmeter on WO Asset

Requires that any meter readings entered in for a work order asset record must be greater than the odometer reading on the related asset inventory record.