Account & Project Number Fields

Account Numbers and Project Number fields can be formatted in the three following ways:


Free-form is the default format for the Account Number and Project Account Number fields. In this state, the Account or Project Number field is a text field in which users can type free-form. The system does not validate users' entries in any way.



The Pick-List format is applied when an agency chooses to enable the "Force Use of Predefined Account Numbers" and "Force Use of Predefined Account Project Numbers"Work Options. This format requires agency administrators to set up a list of options in the Work > Administration > Account Numbers and Project Numbers modules. Users will select from these values to complete the Account Number or Project Number field on a Work Order or PM/Template.


Eden Account Levels

The Eden Account Level format is applied when an agency enables the "Integration of Eden Financial Accounts"Work Option. This option applies only to agencies that integrate Lucity with Eden financial software. To build the Account Number, users make selections from a special pop-up. Some portions of the Eden Account Number may be automatically completed based on other fields in the Work Order.

More Information about Eden Account Numbers

More information about Eden Project Numbers