
Automatically Associate Sub-Categories

Causes the Category Setup module to automatically link Tasks, Resources, Employees, Equipment, Materials, Fluids, Crews, and Problems to subcategories when they are linked to a parent category.

More information about linking in Category Setup

Automatically Calculate Invoice Total Amounts from Line Items

Automatically calculates a total for the Invoiced Amount field on records in the Project Invoices module using data from Invoice Details records attached to the invoice.

More information about Project Invoices

Automatically Calculate PO Total Amounts from Line Items

Automatically calculates a total for the Amount field on records in the Project Purchase Orders module using the Line Items records attached to the Purchase Order.

More information about Project Purchase Orders

Block categories which have sub-categories

Prevents users from selecting a category that is present only to organize sub-categories. Users will be required to select a category or sub-category from the deepest level available.

More information about Categories in Category Setup

Calculate Prior Year Funding

Determines whether CIP Revenue records are copied by the Rollover CIP Fiscal Year toolkit in Project Management > Programs.

  • If TRUE, the toolkit will copy all CIP Revenues related to CIP record(s) linked to the Program from which the toolkit was run. Then, if the new CIP Revenue's Fiscal Year< the new CIP's Fiscal Year, the new CIP Revenue's Prior Year field is marked as TRUE.
  • If FALSE, the toolkit will only copy CIP Revenues whose original Fiscal Year>= the new CIP's Fiscal Year.

More information about Work Programs > Rollover CIP Fiscal Year toolkit.

Copy Location From Request to Work Order on Association

Causes Work Order and Work Request toolkits that associate work order and request records together to copy location an asset information from the request to the work order.

Didn't seem to work - victoria is looking into this too

More information about associating a request to an existing work order

More information about linking a work order to a request

Default Auto Calculate Units to True for Toolkits

Enables the Auto Calculate Units checkbox by default on work resource toolkits that enable users to enter units.

Department Specific Payroll Admins

Enables the Timesheet > Payroll Admin Management tool. This provides the ability to limit which users a payroll admin will see within the Timesheet Overview.

Disable Work Order Request Open Prompts
Only applies to Desktop

By default, when users create Work Orders from Requests, a system prompt asks them whether they would like to view the Work Order.

Check this option to disable the prompt and have the system automatically opens the Work Order.  If this isn't checked, users will continue to be prompted to choose whether or not they wish to view the Work Order.

Enable Timesheet Locking

Gives supervisors the ability to lock Timesheet records in the web application after they have been reviewed, thereby preventing anyone from editing, adding, or deleting any related Work Order Resource records. Users who attempt to edit or delete related Resource records will receive a series of warnings indicating that the resource is locked.

More information about Timesheet Locking

Force Use of Predefined Account Numbers

Validates all Account # fields in Work modules against a list of existing account numbers. Users may also select an existing account number from a list by clicking on the caption button for the field.

  • Account numbers are set up in Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Account Numbers.

More information about Account Numbers

Force Use of Predefined Account Project Numbers

Validates all Proj No - Acct fields in Work modules against a list of existing account project numbers. Users may also select an existing account project number from a list by clicking on the caption button for the field.

More information about Project Account Numbers

Prompt for Reason when PM is Unscheduled PM

Causes the system to ask for a reason when a user unchecks the Scheduled PM box on a PM/Template.

More information about unscheduling a PM

Recalculate Costs for All Project Management Records

Causes the Update Rollup Costs for Filterset tool in the Projects module and the Perform Cost Update tool in Project Tasks module to update all records that do not have the Inactive field marked. Normally, these tools would only update records with a Status < 950 and that are not marked Inactive.

More information about Project Management Costs

Supervisor Manages Certifications

When enabled, only an employee's supervisor can add, edit, or delete the employee's record in the Employee grid on a Certification record. The system checks the supervisor's Login ID to ensure that he or she has access to the record.

More information about Supervisors Managing Certifications

Use Alternate PM/Template Default Name/Description [TaskCodeAssetCommonID1]

Switches the order in which the PM/Template's Code and Descriptions are presented when a PM is created from an Asset record.

More information about PM/Templates

Use Category Level Security

Enables administrators to control which types of Work Orders each employee can add or edit based on the Category set on the Work Order.

Example:  A sewer employee can only edit work that have a Sewer related category.

More information about Category Level Security

Validate Against Duplicate Asset/Task PMs

Warns users saving a PM if there is another PM with the same Asset and Task combination.

More information about PM/Templates