Shared Tab Groups

The Shared Tab Groups section of the Admin Portal's Dashboard Management function enables administrators to create and manage collections of Shared Tabs that can be applied to a one or more user Dashboards all at once. Like Shared Tabs, Shared Tab Groups enable you to create and quickly share common data sets among multiple users.

Note that:

shared tab groups



Creates a new Tab Group.


Opens the selected Tab Group for viewing or editing.

Refresh Grid

Refreshes the current grid to display any changes.

Adding and editing Tab Groups

How to create a new Tab Group

How to edit a Tab Group

More information about Shared Tab Group setup

Manage Tab Groups for an individual Dashboard

The processes below can also be completed under Admin Portal > Dashboard Management > Managed Shared Tabs/Groups.

How to assign a Tab Group to a Dashboard

How to remove a Tab Group from a Dashboard


Manage Tab Groups for multiple user Dashboards

The processes below can also be completed under Admin Portal > Dashboard Management > Managed Shared Tabs/Groups.

How to assign a Tab Group to multiple user Dashboards

How to remove a Tab Group from multiple user Dashboards