Material Kit Setup

The Material Kit Setup module streamlines the process of adding resources to Work Orders or PMs by allowing agencies to group items that are frequently used together into a virtual "kit." Users can then add the Material Kit to a Work Order or PM Task through a single step, rather than adding the Material records individually.


How it works

On its own, a Materials Kit has no effect on inventory counts or costs. Only when a user adds a Kit to a Work Order or PM does Lucity copy the Kit contents to the Task's Materials grid, creating Material Resource records for each item.


Creating kits

Creating a Material Kit is a three-step process:

  1. Create the Kit record.
  2. Assign the Kit to one or more Work Categories, making it easier for you to add Materials to the Kit and for users to locate the Kits that relate to the Tasks on the Work Order or PM.
  3. Add the Materials* you want to include to the Kit and identify the quantity of each item.

*Note that a Material Kit may consist only of Material records; you cannot add Fluid or Equipment records to a Kit.


Common tasks

To access the Material Kit Setup module, select Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Material Kit Setup.

How to create a Material Kit Setup record

How to associate a Category with a Material Kit Setup record

How to add Materials to a Material Kit Setup record

How to deactivate a Material Kit