Tool Options

Device locations

Management Tools

These options control how the tool is going to operate.

Create New

Select Existing

Indicates that the tool is creating a new layer or is using an existing layer.

Existing Setup*

Enables the user to select a saved layer.

  • Show only setups assigned to this GIS View*

Causes the Existing Setup list to only show layer setups that are currently set to always show up in the current gis view.

  • Show my setups only*

Causes the Existing Setup list to only show layer setups that were created by the currently logged in user.

* Only appears if the Select Existing option is selected.


These options filter the data shown based on the time.

Show most recent locations

Displays device locations for a previous number of hours.

  • Show locations from the last X hours

Sets the number of hours back in time the layer will show.

Show Locations that Fall within a date range

Displays the device locations for a range of dates.

  • Note: This option is not supported in FireFox.
  • Start DateTime

Sets the start of the date range.

  • End DateTime

Sets the end of the date range.


These options filter the data shown based on the user logged into a device.


Displays a list of mobile users. Selects which users location history the layer will display.

Enabled All

Adds all users in the list to the results.

Disabled All

Removes all users in the list from the results.

Automatically include new devices in results

Enables new users in the list when their devices begin tracking location information.

Rendering: Layer Properties

The last section of the tool lets the user control the layer that will be added to the webmap.

Layer Title

Indicates the name of the map layer that this tool will create. Users may edit the name generated by the system.


Color Palette

Assign Colors

Enable the user to control how each user's location is symbolized.

  • The Field displays the data the symbology is based on and is set to UserID which is the only option.
  • Choose a Color Palette.
  • If desired click Assign Colors to manually assign colors to the Field values.

    More information about symbology

Symbol Size

Controls the size of the symbols that will appear in the map.

Auto Refresh Interval

Tells the system to automatically refresh the data in the layer based on the number of entered minutes.

  • Only available if the Show Most Recent Locations option is selected.

Saved Setup Properties

Lucity Device Location Layers can be saved and loaded at a later time.

Setup Name

Provides an ID for the configured layer so that it can be saved in the system and found later.

Setup Description

Provides an optional description of the purpose of the layer.


These buttons control what is done with the configured module spatial layer setup.


Closes the tool without doing anything further.


Removes the setup from the current GIS View. Only available if the setup in the Existing Setup is currently assigned to the current GIS View.

More information about Assigning Views


Deletes the setup record and closes the tool.


Saves the setup. The Setup Name field must be populated.


Assigns the setup listed in the Existing Setup field to the current GIS View. The layer will be loaded every time the view is opened.

More information about Assigning Views


Loads the Setup into the webmap.