Controlling Part Disbursal Location

Organizations often have multiple warehouses in which they store parts, and often, a part is stored in multiple locations. In Lucity, each Part record identifies its default Warehouse Location—that is, the one it is most often pulled from.

Agencies might also keep an active store of certain parts in certain vehicles, which, in Lucity's terms, are considered "Mobile Warehouses" or "Rolling Warehouses." Because such vehicles appear as Warehouses in the Parts module and also as Equipment in the Work Order system, users can attach them to Work Orders as Resources. Then, when a user disburses Parts, they have the option to pull the items from any Location--including a mobile one--that stores the Part.


There are several Work Options that allow administrators to control how the Work/Parts integration disburses Parts:

How It Works

Click on the scenario links below to learn how Lucity responds to parts disbursal settings.

Scenario 1: "Always use Parts Default Location" is disabled and "Force Dispersal from Mobile Warehouses" is disabled.

Scenario 2: "Always use Parts Default Location" is enabled and "Force Dispersal from Mobile Warehouses" is disabled.

Scenario 3: "Always use Parts Default Location" is disabled and "Force Dispersal from Mobile Warehouses" is enabled.

Scenario 4: "Always use Parts Default Location" is enabled and "Force Dispersal from Mobile Warehouses" is enabled.

Using Mobile Warehousing With Finance Enterprise (FE) Stores Orders/Work Orders Integration

Agencies who are integrated with FE can associate an FE Warehouse with a Lucity Work Order using the CS Warehouse ID field. You can then achieve mobile warehousing during the FE Stores Orders/Work Orders integration by designating a CS Warehouse ID on an Equipment Setup record that you select as an Equipment Resource on a Work Order.

More information about the FE Stores Order/Work Orders integration.

Preventing Negative Part Quantities

When Lucity users add Parts from an Inventory to a Work Order, they may enter a quantity that is greater than what is available in the Parts Inventory. While it's possible to disburse more items than are present in a single location, or even within the entire inventory, some agencies may prefer to avoid actions that result in negative Part quantities.


Lucity administrators can prevent negative Part quantities by enabling one of two related Work Options, which may be found at: Admin Portal > Settings > Work Options > Work tab > Parts section.

How It Works