Cost Markups

Lucity's Cost Markup feature enables agencies to apply additional charges or overhead costs to a Work Order > Task > Resource (i.e., Employees, Equipment, Contractors, Materials, and Fluids).

By applying Cost Markups, an agency can determine the real cost of using a resource on a Work Order and distribute that cost among related assets.

Types of Cost Markups

Cost Markups can be factored using one of the following methods:

Additionally, users can identify a Not To Exceed value to set a limit on a Cost Markup applied to a Work Order Resource.


An employee makes $10 an hour; however, the agency has to pay taxes and insurance on top of his hourly rate. To track these costs, an administrator creates two Cost Markup records:

The employee is on-call and the agency must pay a $10 charge to the employee to use the employee outside of regular hours. So, a third Cost Markup is applied to his Employee Resource record on the Work Order.

The employee works 5 hours on a Work Order Task.

So, while the employee is paid $60 for his work, the total cost to the agency is $76.

However, the Cost Markup's Not To Exceed value was set at $70, so the Cost Markup applied to this Employee Resource on the Work Order will be $70.

Cost Markup Setup

Users apply Cost Markups by adding them to the Cost Markup grid for the desired Resource record. However, agencies can create standardized groups of Cost Markups in the Work > Administration > Cost Markup Library. These groups then can be loaded into a Work Order Task Resource's Cost Markup grid.

Note: Cost Markups may be applied to any type of Work Order Resource. However, on Employee or Equipment records, Cost Markups only apply to calculations for the Normal Time/Cost fields.

Users can apply Cost Markups to Work Order Resources in a number of ways:

  1. Create a single Cost Markup to add to a single Work Order Resource.
  2. Create a single Cost Markup to add to several Work Order Resources of the same type.
  3. Load an existing set of Cost Markups (from a Library) to one or more Work Order Resources of the same type.

Note, however, that Markups cannot be permanently tied to a Resource. Users must apply Markups to Resources on individual Work Orders.

More information about the Cost Markup Library

Employee Cost Markups

Equipment Cost Markups

Material Cost Markups

Fluid Cost Markups

Contractor Cost Markups