Setting Default Views for Modules

Each GIS View can be linked to one or more Module view. This provides the following functionality:

Select Program

Defines which part of the Lucity program we are setting the default views for.

Select Module Grouping 1

Select Module Grouping 2

Enables users to select a specific type of inventory to display the related views and the views of all of the inventories children records in the Available Module Views list.

Show All Modules Views

Causes the Available Module Views list to display all views for the Selected Program.

Reset Module Selections

Clears out selections in the Select Program, Select Module, and Reset Module Selections.

Available Module Views

Displays the views related to the program/module selections.

  • The Assign button next to a view sets the current GIS View as the default gis view for that module view.

Assign All

Sets the current GIS View as the default gis view for all modules views currently in the Available Module Views list.

Module Views Using this Map as Default

Displays a list of Module views for which the current GIS View is set as the default gis view.

  • The Remove button next to a view unassigns the current GIS View as the default gis view for that module view.

Remove All

Unassigns the current GIS View as the default gis view for all modules views currently in the Module Views using this Map as Default list.


Closes the dialog.


How to Set a Default GIS View for a Module View

How to Unassign the Default GIS View for a Module View