Request and Work Order Linking

Work Orders and Requests can be linked together in Lucity to maintain workflow continuity and provide a history of the work process. When Requests and Work Orders are linked, users can see which Request(s) initiated the work being performed. They can also see how Work Orders have been combined to form a larger project.

Lucity links Work Orders and Requests in groups, rather than in one-to-one relationships. That is, if a user creates a new Work Order and links it to an existing Request, the new Work Order is linked any Work Orders and Requests that are also linked to that Request. This condition applies to any combination of linking/unlinking Work Orders and Requests.

Work Orders and Requests are linked together when:


A user creates a Request. Two Work Orders are then created to complete the Request. All three records are linked to each other.

Later, another new Request is added and a Work Order is created which automatically links them together.

The next day, a supervisor determines that Request 2018 - 00100 was really a follow-up to Request 2018 - 00052; therefore, they should be linked together. After linking these two Requests, the following records are grouped:

Each of the records above shows links (through its Work Order or Request child grid) to the other records in the group. If a record is unlinked (disassociated) from any one of these records, it is no longer related to any of these records.