
Agencies can customize the Request module to include a script of questions that customer service agents should ask when documenting a customer request. Script items are tied to the Problem and defined in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Problem Setup module.

When the agent selects a Problem on the Request form and attempts to save the record, a pop-up listing the applicable questions appears, allowing the agent to record the customer's responses. Answers can be required or optional. If a user elects not to answer the Script questions in the pop-up, the Script items do not appear in the Request record's Scripts grid.


Script Grid

The Script grid displays the questions the user asked the customer in relation to the Request and the customer's responses.

folder Using Grids >> Add new record Grid Tools>> Android Screenshot Editable Grids>> Web_edit Using Forms >>


How to create a Script for a Problem

How to add a Script item to a specific Request

How to enter a Response to a Script Item

More information about setting up Scripts

More information about Using a Knowledge Base and/or Scripts with Requests