Exclusion Day Setup

The Work program's Exclusion Days module enables agencies to define non-working days and dates so that the PM/Work Template module will not generate Work Orders that start on those days. This helps to block off weekends, holidays or other days work that should not be generated.

Exclusion days can represent:

The Exclusion Days created in this module are automatically applied to all PM/Templates. However, a user can add supplemental Exclusion Days to a specific PM/Template. For example, an agency may want to create Exclusion Days to prevent fountain-maintenance PMs from being generated from November through March, when the fountains are drained for the winter. More information about PM Exclusion Days.

Note: Exclusion Days prevent the system from automatically generating Work Orders that start on selected days/dates; they do not prevent a user from creating a Work Order that starts on those days/dates.

Carrying Exclusion Days from One Year to the Next

Lucity automatically carries over existing Exclusion Days to the following year. This is convenient for standard non-working days, such as weekends, or holidays that always fall on a particular date, such as Christmas. Note, however, that at the beginning of every calendar year, administrators must update Exclusion Day records for floating holidays that fall on a certain day, rather than a particular date (e.g., Presidents Day).

Common Tasks

To open the Exclusion Days module, select Work > Administration > Exclusion Day Setup.

How to create an Exclusion Day for a day of the week

How to create an Exclusion Day on a specific date or for a range of dates