Global Edit

Web Tool - Global Edit

The Global Edit tool provides a method to make changes to many Lucity records at one time. This tool is available only within a Lucity module's main grid.

Global Edit

security The Global Edit tool requires the Global Edits permission for the module in which the edit is performed. Other module permissions also may affect which records/fields the user can modify.

 Note: Using this tool may update the Audit Log.


Users may not apply a Global Edit to the following fields/field types:



Property To Update

Identifies the field the user wishes to update.

Value To Update With

Indicates the new value for the field. The type of field available here changes based on the field selected as the Property to Update.

Apply Null Value

Sets the field value to be blank.

Records To Apply Changes To

Selected Record(s)

Current Filter

Indicates whether the global update should update the selected records or the entire filterset.

Note: The Current Filter option can be selected only if the number of records in the filterset falls below the the Global Edit record threshold set by the Lucity administrator.

Update Behavior

Perform Validations, Calculations, and Behaviors

Directs Lucity to verify that all edits are valid and that each record is recalculated and updated.

  • This function protects the system from invalid data but takes more time to process.
  • The system updates related GIS features based on the geodatabase configuration.
  • Lucity recommends that users enable this option for all global updates.


If this option is disabled, Lucity pushes the edits directly to the database. The process is faster, but users risk saving invalid data to the field.

  • Disabling the validation option facilitates edits to very large numbers of records.
  • When disabled, Lucity only updates GIS if the Update GIS option is enabled.

Note: The Validation option can be disabled only if the selection/filterset size falls within a certain record-number range.

Update GIS

Directs the system to update related GIS records even though validations are turned off.

  • This option appears only if the Perform Validations option is enabled and the field being edited is linked to the geodatabase.


Emails to notify on completion

Identifies the email addresses that the system should notify upon completion of the Global Edit.


Deletes an email address from the list.


Adds an email address entered into the related field to the email list.


Abandons the global update


Runs the global update.


How to run a Global Edit for a filterset

How to run a Global Edit for a selection