Email Setup

The Email Setup function provides settings to configure Lucity's connection to an organization's email server.

email setup


SMTP Setup

SMTP Settings

Server Address

States the STMP server's address.

Port Number

Indicates the port through which the email generator should connect.

Enable TLS

Directs the program to use Transport Layer Security. (This does not install a certificate.)

Test Connection

Forces the system to check whether the Lucity Services can connect to the SMTP server using the given settings.

  • This setting employs the Lucity.EmailSetup.exe program located on the Lucity Services server to test a connection to the SMTP Server.

Change Credentials

Enables the SMTP User and SMTP Password fields. If the User and Password were filled out previously, the system clears the SMTP Password field when this option is enabled.


Indicates the Windows user through which the Email Generator should access the server.

SMTP Password

Specifies the password for the Windows user that is used to access the server.

How to Configure SMTP Settings

POP 3 Setup

POP 3 Settings

Server Address

Specifies the POP3 server's address.

Port Number

Indicates the port through which the Request Generator should connect to the POP3 server.

Enable TLS

Tells the program that it should use Transport Layer Security. (This does not install a certificate.)


Saves the POP 3 settings.

Configured Addresses (POP3)

Change Credentials

Enables the Email Address and Password fields. If the Email Address and Password were filled out previously, the system clears the Password field when this setting is enabled.

Email Address

Specifies the email address to which the Request emails should be sent. This should be a special email address used only for this purpose; it should not be a individual user's email address.


Specifies the password for the user.

Show Password

Displays the characters typed in the Password field. The system will only display the password until the Save button is clicked.

How to Configure POP 3 Settings