
The Reporting settings enable administrators to control how reports are displayed and where they are stored within Lucity Web.



Close reports immediately to avoid max processing limit errors (may slow report generation)

This setting causes report connections to be immediately closed after a report page has generated. Crystal Reports limits how many concurrent reports may be open and this will allow more reports open at once. However, it will cause higher CPU utilization and slightly slower report performance because the report must be regenerated for each page. By default, a user's report connections are closed when a user runs a new report and an older report has been open for more than 5 minutes or when the user's web session ends. Reports may also close when the user closes the window displaying the report but this may be unreliable.

IT Admin

Create Bookmarks From Group Tree

Enables bookmarks in Basic View reports.

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Get Custom Crystal Reports on Web App Startup

Directs Lucity Web to get new copies of custom Crystal Reports from the document server whenever Lucity Web is restarted.

IT Admin

Path where Reports are stored (Reports Hive) *

Establishes a network path for the location in which uploaded reports are stored.

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Suppress Subtitles on Dashboard Reports

Eliminates the prompt for subtitles on reports that have a subtitle parameter, causing the report to load faster.

App Admin

Suppress Subtitles on View Reports

Eliminates the prompt for subtitles on reports that have a subtitle parameter, causing the report to load faster.

App Admin

URL to the Report Server

Identifies the URL to the Report Server used to run Crystal Reports for Lucity Web and Lucity Mobile. The Lucity Web and Lucity Mobile Server applications must be able to resolve this URL from the server(s) where are installed. The Lucity installer writes this value.

IT Admin

Hyperlink Target For Crystal Reports

Configures how a link in a report opens. This setting affects links opened from reports in either the dashboard or a module view.

  • Leave Value blank to open report in current window.
  • Enter HTML Value below for the corresponding options:

    _blank - Opens report in new tab or window.

    _self - Opens report in same frame as it was clicked (default).

    _parent - Opens report in parent frame.

    _top - Opens report in full body of window.

    _framename - Opens report in a named frame. Ex: _LucityReportLink

App Admin