
Status Related Fields

Operating Status

Indicates the status of the asset (i.e., operational, out of service, sold).

  • Any equipment with a Status code above 950 is considered out of service. Anything below 950 is considered operational.
  • No PMs can be generated for out-of-service equipment.
  • When equipment is taken out of service, any pieces of Equipment in its Dependent grid are taken out of service, as well.

Take Offline

Indicates that the equipment is out of service.

Parent Out of Service

Indicates that the parent record associated with this Equipment record is out of service.


Indicates whether this Equipment item is currently linked to a Plant record. This relationship is configured in the Equipment record's Plant ID field.


Indicates whether this Equipment item is currently linked to a Facility record. This relationship is configured in the Equipment record's Site ID or Building ID fields.


Indicates whether this Equipment item is currently linked to a Fleet record. This relationship is configured in the Equipment record's Fleet ID field.


Indicates whether this Equipment item is currently linked to an ITS record. This relationship is configured in the Equipment record's ITS field.


MTBF Fields

The MTBF (mean time between failure) fields show the average time between instances that the equipment is out of service. Because equipment often must be taken out of service to be repaired or serviced, many manufacturers will provide an average MTBF (e.g., This pump must be serviced every four months.) Agencies can use Lucity to compare the Manufacturer's MTBF to the actual MTBF to determine whether the equipment is being serviced enough or is breaking down between scheduled maintenance.


Calculates the Mean Time Between Failure; that is, the average amount of time the equipment is operational between breakdowns. The system automatically calculates this field by:

  1. Adding the Units Since Failure fields from the Equipment Status grid records;
  2. Dividing the sum by the number of Units Since Failure fields that were actually filled out. (Not by the total number of Equipment Status records.)

Manuf MTBF

Stores the manufacturer's expected Mean Time Between Failure, allowing an agency to determine whether the equipment needs to be replaced because it is failing more often than expected.


Status Grid

The Equipment Status Tracking grid logs the status or availability of the equipment piece.  Records can be added to this grid:

folder Using Grids >> Add new record Grid Tools>> Android Screenshot Editable Grids>> Web_edit Using Forms >>


How to add an Equipment Status record manually

Status Record Fields

Operating Status *

Identifies the current status of the equipment.

Units Since Failure

The number of units since the equipment had to be taken offline. The units entered here are based on days or the type of meter (hour or other) used to measure the life of the equipment.


The date of the status record.


The time of the status record.

* Required.