How Lucity Manages Custom Reports

Lucity makes it easy for an agency to manage its custom reports by managing the file locations for them and providing an easy user interface for uploading report files. To make this process work there are several components on the back end. The following table describes those components and the diagrams show how they work together to complete a process.


Lucity Web Reports Tool

A tool that enables Lucity Web users to add, update, and run Lucity reports.

Document Server

A Lucity web server application that enables Lucity to move files (including reports) around.

Report Server

  • A Lucity web server application that runs crystal reports for Lucity Web and Lucity Mobile.

Report Hive

(Report Share

The folder that stores a user-accessible copy of each custom report's .rpt file.

  • The path is set in Lucity Web > Admin Portal > Settings > System Settings > Documents > Path where reports are stored setting.
  • Lucity Web does not run reports from this location.
  • Users can copy reports out of this folder to modify them.
  • The reports in this folder are copied to the /ReportsCustom folder daily.

/Reports Folder

The folder within the Lucity Report Server that stores a Lucity Report Server-accessible copy of each standard report's .rpt file.

  • Lucity Report Server runs all of Lucity's built-in, standard reports from this location.
  • Users can copy reports out of this folder to make custom reports.
  • The reports in this folder should not be modified.

/ReportsCustom Folder

The folder within the Lucity Report Server that stores a Lucity Report Server-accessible copy of each custom report's .rpt file.

  • Lucity Report Server runs all custom reports from this location.
  • The reports in this folder should not be modified.
  • The reports in this folder are overwritten with copies from the Report Hive folder daily.


These are the processes that occur in the background when users are working with Lucity Web and custom reports.

User adds a custom report

add report

Note: Give this process a a minute to complete before attempting to run the new report from Lucity.


User updates a custom report



User runs a custom report


Automatic custom report processes

automatic processes