
web map_print

save custom

The Print tool allows users to configure and export the current map view into a printable file format of their choosing.

Web Map_Print menu


Exports a view of the map with additional information such as the date, scale, legend, etc.


Summarizes the content shown in the map.

Page setup

Indicates the preferred page format. ex: landscape, portrait, etc.

File format

Indicates the type of file that the system should create. ex: PDF, PNG, etc.

Advanced Options

Enables the user to configure and choose whether to display the map scale, author, copyright, and legend.

Map Only

Exports a view of the map.

File Name

Provides a name for the exported file.

File Format

Indicates the type of file that the system should create. ex: PDF, PNG, etc.


Sets the map's width.


Sets the map's height.

Include attribution

Directs the system to display information about the basemap's source.


Exports the map based on the settings selected above.

How to Print a Map